Meeting #34 Summary

Meeting Agenda We actually covered this second, where we continued our final reading from The Body Keeps the Score, in which the emotional connection with the body was re discussed. Here we covered and reviewed people’s talents and ways that they could help the organization put on events. There’s a lot of creatives and writers […]

Meeting #33 Summary

Meeting Agenda We continued our reading from The Body Keeps the Score, in which we discussed how the emotional brain is connected to the parts of the brain that physically feel sensations, and when you relieve a strong emotion, that part right above your brain stem is activated as well, and you feel it in […]

Converse North Park Cleaning/Kickball Summary

The park clean up was very successful. We cleaned lots of trash, and the majority of what we saw was gone by the time we were done.We did start about an hour late, and there was no kickball since there were so few of us and we didn’t really have any time afterwards. Our highlight […]

Meeting #32 Summary

Meeting Agenda This topic was so full of depth and inspired so much discussion, it ended up being the only thing on the agenda that was discussed. I suspect it will take another two meeting to fully cover this. The discussion was lead with select readings from The Body Keeps the Score that demonstrated and […]

Meeting #31 Summary

Meeting Agenda Here, we discussed and showed old and ancient coins, developments with our jobs, Socratic dialogue, and how common and easy it is to overlook deeper meaning in what someone is saying by being dismissive. Since we started late, we didn’t get too much into this, or any subsequent agenda points. It was mostly […]

Meeting #30 Summary

During this meeting Robert and I were the only attendees. We mostly talked about his political and economic views, his earlier life, and his ambitions. All agenda points have been pushed forward to next week. Thank you Robert for attending!

Meeting #29 and Cookie Handout Summary

Meeting Agenda I discussed how the brain processes self-awareness in a present, body based system, and an autobiographical, language based system spanning across time, and how they need to be reconciled in order to understand yourself and undergo change. Martha then built upon this by describing her history as someone whom she did not want […]

Christmas Cookie Decorations

On Wednesday we met to decorate cookies we baked in preparation of handing them out on Sunday! Robert generously brought the decorations and icing. The Christmas cookies will get distributed this Sunday to people in the community, as well as downtown San Antonio’s area homeless/hungry. Pictures can be seen below. Photos are courtesy of Darren

Meeting #28 Summary

Meeting Agenda Bleau, Darren and Ashton all went to see Sam Hyde in Austin on the Wednesday prior to this meeting. We have decided that for this month, we will be making, decorating, and giving away 120 cookies. We will make and decorate them on Wednesday, and give them away on Sunday after the normal […]

Meeting #27 Summary

Arachelle, Bleau, Darren, and Robert attended this meeting. A more focused meeting . . . This meeting was actually spent on two points. Robert once again brought tea, and redid his speech from last time with great improvement. It was filmed as well. A fair amount of the time, Bleau told us about his recent […]